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5 ways to help your swim teammates

‍So, how can you help your swim teammates to go faster? Well, to go fast go alone. To go far go together.  I believe that this quote sums up swimming really well is a great idea to help you swim team move forward together. If you and your swim teammates train hard together then you will find that everyone wins, everyone will get faster together and your teammates will stay in the sport longer. You spend a lot of time with your swim team so you might as well try to get the most out of each other. 5 ways to help you swim team mates

So what are 5 things you can do to help your teammates improve?

Be supportive

You should help and support your swim teammates at any opportunity that comes along. Why? Simple, they are swimming your family.  For example, let’s say you train for one hour in the morning and one and a half hours in the afternoon, but you only do 4 days a week. That’s ten hours a week, this doesn’t include weekends at swim meets either. If you think about it how much time do you spend in the same room as your brother or sister every day? I’m guessing not that much. So this is a great way to help you swim team get faster together also.

The people that are on your team and in your lane have chosen to try and succeed at one of the hardest sports on the planet,  just like you. If your teammate is having a bad day then talk to them, let them know you care. Congratulate them when they go all in and commit to giving 100% in a hard set.  Complement them if they are first in the pool at practice and just listen when they are having a bad day.

Challenge them to a race

After training, challenge your teammates to a friendly race. Everyone loves a one on one race after training. Plus it’s a great way to get just a little bit more out of your tank when you have hard swim session.  On top of this who doesn’t like bragging rights.  By challenging some of your friends to a race you are actually helping them to work just a little harder. Plus you are creating a friendly rivalry which will help you and them get a little better, but always remember to keep it friendly.

Invite them to events (outside of swimming).

This is a great way to bring your teammates into your social circle.  If you think about you spend,  in some cases,  3 hours a day with them.  So it makes sense you introduce them your friends outside swimming.  This may also encourage some of your non- swimming friends to take up the sport.

Make them swim in front of you

Yup, tell them to go in front of you. In training push your teammates and yourself by putting them in front you. By putting them in front out you two things will happen. One, they will be forced to swim faster to stay in front of you. Second, if you leave a small gap between them and you, you will be forced to chase them down. This will help you swim team and the friends around you.

Help your swim team by videoing their swimming

Everyone one at swim practice has a phone and all phones can record video now,  so why not use it.  Stay back after training or catch up with your teammates another time and record each other swimming.  A lot of people learn by watching and copying so it helps to see what you’re doing wrong.

Before you dive into this check with your coach, ask them what stroke, dive and turn videos are good to watch. Or ask which athlete you should watch so you can improve.  When you get to the pool your friend pulls up the video on their phone. You both watch it 3 or 4 times then your teammate jumps in and tries to copy the video. As they do you record it on your phone. Your teammate then hop’s out and you jump in and do the same. When you have both had a go at the being recorded you can compare videos and try again.


So as you can probably guess there are many other ways that you help your swim team to improve. How many more ways can you come up with? Remember that every idea you come up with can help your swim team get faster.

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