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Session 6 – Heating up the Hard Work

My Training blog 14-1-2019

None, it was 40 degrees
Main set:
do twice
3 x 8 Leg extensions
3 x 8  Hamstring curls
3 x 8 leg press
3 x 8 calf raises
5 min walk.

Kids… Pfft

As I stared at the back of his head I could feel my anger growing.  He would have been about 19 or 20,  training for rugby I’m guessing. Clang, he did it again, I refocused and did another leg extension. Clang. I fixed my gaze on the curly mullet hairstyle that stuck out from under his cap. Clang. It was great to see that he was putting in the hard work but really… Clang.

I was in Wagga for Monday and Tuesday this week for a meeting and a chance to look at their campus gym.  Plus I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to use the campus gym for a leg work out. Wagga can get a bit warm around this time of the year. This day was no exception as it was about 45º outside at 4 in the afternoon and only getting hotter. This kid was in front of my doing deadlifts.  He must have been lifting about 90 kg or more. To be honest,  I didn’t look nor did I care. What was pissing me off was that this kid was lifting the weight to his waist then letting it drop to the floor. The crash on ground crash on the ground made me want to walk over and express my concern.

I thought I could say some like ” Excuse me mate, I just noticed the way you’re doing those deadlifts is a little wrong. Would like some tips? “. Obviously, he would reply “Sure”. So I would respond “Ok, well see that exit door over? Why don’t go through it, pull your head out of your arse and come back when you can lift properly”.

Stay in my lane

There were all these thoughts running through my head. The most prominent was “It’s not your gym to manage Steve, do your own hard work” I love my job and I have a high level of pride in the environment that I am trying to create there.  So when I saw this guy dropping some heavyweights from waist height,  each time slamming to the ground it just made me see red. It was hot, 45° plus outside and 30° inside the gym. I didn’t say anything to him we never made eye contact and I just channelled my aggression into my workout.

Something different

The campus gym wasn’t too bad, it does need a little bit of work but the bones are good and anyone could nearly work out any part of their body that they would like to. Outside was a 33-metre 6 lane pool with zero shade cover, again good bones, but could use a little freshen up. I didn’t think too much more about, and just when I and just when on with my leg workout. As I pushed through everything didn’t feel as bad after the work out my legs didn’t which my quads weren’t sore and I was able to walk normally as if nothing ever happened.

As I said he now typing this out that now rings alarm bells. I didn’t work hard enough. If I’m going to be brutally honest and go to the trouble of recording all this and write all this town then I need to cut the crap, call myself out and get to the hard work. Don’t get me wrong I’m going to have bad days the difference is I have to be honest with myself and man up for those bad days and try better the next time.

I need to start using my past experiences or that of others to drive me when things get a little bit tricky or hard. I prefer to think about others that have been in tougher situations than me and achieved a lot greater things than I have. Because I don’t think myself the anyone special or have done anything of great consequence. But I do need to push harder.

Hard work Mindset

I kept on going on with my session and proceeded to try and give my legs a bit more punishment. As I walked out of the gym that afternoon feeling mediocre. I didn’t give it my all,  my mind just isn’t tough enough to push my body to the point where it needs to be to improve. Obviously, I have to work on my mindset too.  I really believe that the human body can do whatever the brain tells it.  Your brain and willpower are like a muscle and you have to exercise that too.

The hard work will continue,  I’m going to achieve my goal.  There is no safety net, or backing down.  Therefore, part of the reason for my writing this blog is so that if I don’t achieve my goal, the whole world will know. I have burnt my boats, there is no going back. If you want to take the island you have to burn your boats and mine are now ashes. By you reading this you are unknowingly pushing me forward. Thank you.

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